It began when I had 2 young kids and I started to get “nudges” that I wanted to build something bigger for myself and for them. I started binging self-improvement podcasts and books, and I initially got really interested in the stock market. I kept the learning binge going, and I eventually found “Bigger Pockets” and “Rich Dad Poor Dad” which changed everything! I signed up for a real estate investing cabin retreat, and I got a coach and learned everything I possibly could about real estate investing and how it could help build generational wealth for my family. I had also been an “accidental landlord” a couple of times before, but now I was being intentional, and it was so exciting!

That was 3 years ago, and real estate has officially become a huge part of my life. I am still part of 3 coaching programs, and I go to as many educational events as I can. I’ve also always been entrepreneurial. I have owned an Etsy shop, and I also worked as a freelance family and wedding photographer for a couple of years. After I had my third baby, I knew I was not going back to my Monday-to-Friday job, so becoming a REALTOR felt like the next natural step for me. I got licensed the day after my baby’s first birthday!

I am very friendly and easy going! I’m trying to brand myself as the “down-to-earth real estate agent”, but I just can’t get the wording quite right yet. I try to be extra whenever I can, either by printing off more information than you might actually need, or by bringing more snacks than your belly can hold. I also tend to think I’m superhuman and do not require sleep, so if you need anything at all, you better believe I am going to get it for you!

Four things:

  1. I was a French Immersion elementary teacher for almost a decade!
  2. I lived in France for a year in my twenties!
  3. I love change! My oldest kids have lived in 3 homes already, and we think we will move homes at least once more in the next few years. They do love their school, so we will likely stick to the same neighborhood next time.
  4. I am the middle child of 5 kids; 3 of us live in Alberta and 2 live back east.

For school lunches I draw faces on my kid’s bananas. 😊